Elecnor Deimos (NEPTUNO)
Constellation name | NEPTUNO |
Constellation field | AIS, Maritime |
Constellation info |
Demonstrator that contributes to a solution that faces the main challenges of maritime surveillance. |
Constellation status | Prototype(s) launched, Unknown |
Launched satellites | 1 |
Planned satellites | ? |
Form factor | 3U |
Manufacturer | In-house |
First launch | 2021 |
Notes | |
Photos | |
Photo source | [1] |
Logo | |
Company | Deimos |
Oneliner |
At Elecnor Deimos we provide high-technology engineering solutions, information systems, products and services of maximum quality, innovation and added-value to its customers. |
Funding | Yes |
Nation | Spain |
Established | 2001 |
Socials | |
Own nanosats launched |
Own nanosats to be launched |
Last modified: 2024-08-22