Dauria Aerospace
Constellation field | Earth Observation, Optical |
Constellation info |
Perseus-O multispectral constellation. Many similarities to Astro Digital. MKA-N launched in 2017 could be considered the first CubeSats. |
Constellation state | Cancelled |
Launched satellites | 2 |
Planned satellites | 8 |
Satellite size | 6U |
Manufacturer | In-house, SatByul |
First launch | 2014 |
Schedule tracking | Cancelled,Years behind "First planned for 2015." |
Notes | |
Photos | |
Logo | |
Company | Dauria Aerospace |
Oneliner | |
Funding | $30M+ |
Country | Russia |
Established | 2011 |
Socials | |
Own nanosats launched |
Own nanosats cancelled |
Last modified: 2023-05-31