Argotec (Andromeda)
Constellation name | Andromeda |
Constellation field | Orbital Data Relay, Moon |
Constellation info |
Moon communications relay nanosatellite constellation. S and K band up to tens of Mbps. IAOG architecture compatible. Mass <55 kg. |
Constellation state | Unknown |
Launched satellites | 0 |
Planned satellites | 24 |
Satellite type | Microsat |
Orbit | Moon |
Manufacturer | In-house |
First launch | ? |
Notes | |
Photos | |
Photo source | [1] [2] |
Logo | |
Company | Argotec |
Oneliner |
Argotec is an Italian aerospace engineering company whose activities mainly concern the production of microsatellites for deep space and the development of innovative solutions in order to improve and to support the life and the comfort of space explorers |
Funding | Yes |
Location | Italy |
Founded | 2008 |
Socials | |
Own nanosats launched |
Own nanosats to be launched |
Last modified: 2024-09-30