Earth-i (Vivid-i)
Constellation name | Vivid-i |
Constellation field | Earth Observation, Optical, Video |
Constellation info |
First constellation in the world able to provide full-colour video. 100kg CARBONITE-2 (VividX2) launched in 2018. |
Constellation state | Prototype(s) launched, Unknown |
Launched satellites | 1 |
Planned satellites | 15 |
Satellite type | Microsat |
Manufacturer | SSTL |
First launch | 2018 |
Photos | |
Photo source | [1] |
Logo | |
Company | Earth-i |
Oneliner |
We reduce the complexity and cost of geospatial insight, so you can harness its power without needing your own expertise or large budgets. |
Funding | $3.5M |
Country | UK |
Established | 2015 |
Socials | |
Last modified: 2024-10-01